This is the first post of hopefully a long term series. "WIRLW" stands for "what I read last week" (and maybe watched) and will be a loose collection of things I've read(/watched) in the last week (which you've might have already guessed). This won't be just another collection of links but I will also provide some notes for each link.

  • Elderblog Sutra: 13, published 2022-04-28
    This article is little bit older but Venkatesh Rao philosophizes about what it would mean to the blogging ecosystem if Elon Musk is buying Twitter.
  • Thread by @iximiuz, published 2022-08-28
    Pretty interesting read, seeing many myths about Containers (not the transport ones) being debunked. Key takeaways are:
    • Containers need not have a full Operating System inside them
    • it's possible to run a Container without an image but you probably shouldn't
    • you need Containers to build images
    • Containers are not just a Linux OS but instead a standardized execution environments
    • You can create a bootable Linux from an image. Even though it's possible you shouldn't do it except for your own entertainment.
  • Seeking the Productive Life: Some Details of My Personal Infrastructure—Stephen Wolfram Writings, published 2022-02-21
    This one is reread which just came to my mind the other night. I think it's interesting to see how highly efficient and successful people organize their daily workflow.
  • – Uncertainty, industrious compliance, and the illusion of control, published 2022-09-29
    Florian describes why long term planning almost never makes sense due to the huge amount of external influences which will overthrow your planning. Furthermore he explains why business planning might be flawed just because of the education people received in the past. Pretty interesting approach articulated in this article and why originality might be the solution to the described issues.
  • Google finds culture, not tech, is the biggest predictor of DevOps security outcomes - SiliconANGLE
    Nothing to add here from my side except the following quote:

    While delving deeper, the researchers, to their surprise, found that the most significant predictor of an organization’s software security practices was cultural, not technical. High-trust, low-blame cultures focused on performance were significantly more likely to adopt emerging security practices than low-trust, high-blame cultures focused on power or rules.

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