Weekly CW16

Julie Lerman wrote a very detailed article about the Entity Framework Core 3.0 with »Entity Framework Core 3.0: A Foundation for the Future«. Very interesting to read why the Entity Framework team has laid the foundation for further innovations with this version.

Uncertain which asynchronous messaging solution in Azure is the right one for a specific requirement? Then you should read the documentation »Asynchronous messaging options in Azure« from Microsoft to get a good overview of all available options.

If you want to start running an ASP.NET Core application in a container then you will often have basic questions about how to start it. Greg Roe has published a two-part article that explains exactly that. * »Hosting and ASP.NET Core API in a Container Part 1 of 2 - Building the Container« * »Push to ASP.NET Core API Container to Azure Container Registry Part 2 of 2«

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