Weekly CW05

If you are looking for a way on how to use Event Grid, Azure Keyvault and Azure Functions all together then "Using Event Grid, Azure Keyvault and Azure Functions" is for you.

Seeing this sentence

consider the partner programs that you're involved in, and whether they are influencing any decisions you're making to the detriment of your customers

in "Leaving The AWS Partner Network" made me think whether this a valid point. My educated guess would be that yes is the answer to this question.

Steve Sanderson presented at .NET Conf on "Focus on Blazor". The code from his demo is now available online at SteveSandersonMS / presentation-2020-01-DotNetConf. Nice to see that using Blazor enables you to build cross-platform UI client.

Thorben Janssen wrote "Dual Writes – The Unknown Cause of Data Inconsistencies". If you never heard of dual write issues and think about using Microservices for specific scenarios which include data persistence then you definitely should read this article.

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