
Don't microwave your sponges!

Then, they will reproduce and occupy the vacant real estate of the dead. And your sponge will just be stinkier and nastier and you may come to regret having not just tossed it, suggests a study published last month in Scientific Reports.

Source: Cleaning a Dirty Sponge Only Helps Its Worst Bacteria, Study Says - The New York Times

There is a new kid in town. AVIF seems to been a worthy successor for JPEG. Chome as of version 85 does support it of the box and FireFox also supports but requires some fiddling in the about-settings. More details can be found here:

AVIF has landed -

There is no command available for creating a file and the parent directories in one step. Nevertheless you can help yourself with a simple bash script. Just add the following snippet to your ~/.bashrc.

mktouch() { mkdir -p $(dirname $1) && touch $1; }

Afterwards you can run this command like this: mktouch /home/demo/newdirectory/newfile1.txt

Source: -> Comments

Nice overview/guide of how to start using Microsoft Teams. Especially because the everyday etiquette of using it which makes it for every person involved more pleasant.

Matt Wade's Definitive Guide To Teams Etiquette

Nice overview/comparison of all Office/Microsoft 365 licensing options

The Complete Office 365 and Microsoft 365 Licensing Comparison

Immer gut bestimmte Formulierungen im Arbeitszeugnis zu kennen.

Arbeitszeugnis - Formulierungen für Zuverlässigkeit

Bei Microsoft haben wir in den vergangenen Monaten und Jahren umfassende Neuerungen für Privatanwenderinnen und -anwender wie für Unternehmen vorgestellt, die die Transparenz für unsere Kundinnen und Kunden erhöhen – darunter auch Tools für mehr Nutzungskontrolle bei der Sammlung von Daten in Windows 10 Enterprise und Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise.

Schön zu sehen, dass Microsoft jetzt auch immer mehr beginnt, in diesen Bereichen nachzuschärfen.

In quick summary: the business leaders that will succeed tomorrow are not thinking about how they can make their workforce more productive – they are focused on helping their people be more innovative.

Source: New research reveals a surprising link between the workplace and business success

Pretty interesting to read from Microsoft that in the future it should be more relevant to increase innovation instead of improving productivity. Conclusion from my point of view is that productivity can't be increased that much more in the future and to differentiate from your market companions you need to be more innovative.

What do you think of this?