"Stop Writing Dead Programs" by Jack Rusher (Strange Loop 2022) - YouTube
This talk was brought to my attention by the YouTube algorithm. It were 45 minutes of good entertainment and also made me thinking about some stuff we are doing in our industry nowadays. -
"The Secure Software Supply Chain" by Kelsey Hightower (Strange Loop 2022) - YouTube Great talk delivered by Kelsey Hightower on the importance of security in the software development lifecycle (SDLC). It has never been more important to shift security left in the SDLC. Even more he includes the different levels of SLSA, SBOM, and how (little) tooling changes can improve the security of everyone's security in the SDLC.
xahteiwi.eu – Writing Professionally (DevOpsDays Berlin 2022)
Proving how important writing professionally is by converting a talk into an excellent written post. This proves how important/relevant writing skills are. -
Learning By Writing
During the course of this year I personally also realised how it helps to write things down. Writing things down helps to sort your thoughts and getting to a conclusion in the end. -
Introducing the Antinet Zettelkasten • Zettelkasten Method
Even though I personally don't use a Zettelkasten yet, I totally see how a Zettelkasten can contribute to producing results in the end. -
"Features" of the Antinet : antinet
This one is interesting addition to the previous item. Basically all the features listed are available for some note taking apps (e.g. Logseq, Obsidian). But it's still nice to be reminded that no fancy technology is necessary if one wants to create a Zettelkasten.
Disclaimer: This is not a GitHub endorsed advice or recommendation. This article was published while I have been employed at GitHub.